
  • E
    Elie LCanada,February 02, 2014

    Full service Tours, Trekking and Expedition

    Binod and the crew from NTA will help organize every detail of your trip based on what you want to see, budget and level of trekking ability. They can sort out accommodations, trekking permits, even food. The most important thing is that the NTA staff is personable and will make sure that your trek is safe and your needs are met. I Recommended to a few friends for Everest Three Passes and they have not been disappointed.

  • J
    James RAustralia,January 31, 2014

    Best trek I have ever done

    From the moment we arrived for Langtang Valley Trek in the chaos of Kathmandu to the moment we got back on a plane to leave everything was taken care of. Nothing was too much for binod and his amazing team of Sherpas and porters. The only bad part of the trip was leaving! Will do, and have done, recommend this really authentic Nepalese trek. Thank you binod for making our journey so special

  • Y
    Yusef HuriIsrael,January 30, 2014

    My trekking experience in Makalu

    אני מישראל. עשיתי את טרקים למחנה הבסיס Makalu עם הרפתקה בנפאל מסע ומסע. הטרק היה מלא בהנאה ובתהילה. נהניתי ללכת לשם איתך. השירותים והאירוח שלך פוצצו את מוחי. אני בהחלט רוצה לחזור Nepal ולבצע אחרים trekking’s. אלוהים יברך אותך לשמור על רמת שלך עם מיטב המתקנים, כפי שאתה מספק עכשיו עם הופעות טובות יותר.

  • N
    Nikesh JrecartenCanada,January 28, 2014

    Best Trekking Agency For Upper Dolpo Trek

    <!--StartFragment -->Experience in restricted area: I am a kind of person who always wanted to do exceptionally beautiful and daring activities. One day, k heard about Upper Dolpo trekking, Upped Mustang trekking, and Rolwaling trekking in the country of Himalayas, Nepal. Then, it clicked on my mind that i should definitely do it. I searched for itineraries and costs and found a company with greater excellence but lower cost, named Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition. I talked with them and booked my trip 1 month before departure date. I went away to this place and got an experience of heaven. Though place was drier and windy, the scenarios and locales were awesome. I just enjoyed the place and overall journey. I recommend all of you to visit this place once with best company; and i say, Nepal Trek Adventure is the best. <!--EndFragment -->

  • A
    Ann Marie HerwardCanada,January 28, 2014

    A brilliant tour guide

    We arrived in nepal with nothing booked and walked into this office. They organized everything from accomodation transport and activities changing stuff when things didnt suit us for Tibet Cultural Tour.  Price was very reasonable.  I would recommend to anyone and next time I am back in Nepal I know I will be looked after.

  • I
    Irina LCanada,January 25, 2014

    Excellent Company, Great Experience

    We did Annapurna Circuit in 2012 and had fantastic experience. From the moment I first contacted Binod, I felt confident our trek would be handled professionally and with care to all details. Binod was personally involved from organizing trip, meeting us in airport, checking on us during acclimatization to high altitude in Manang, he was in contact with our guide Suresh on daily basis. Suresh and porter Rajo were a pleasure to be around, always in high spirits, friendly, knowledgeable and attentive to all our needs. Nepal is a country of amazing scenery and wonderful people!!!!Thank you so much, for magical experience in Nepal!!! We will be back this year for 3 Pass Trek. Namaste! Irina. 

  • T
    thillec84Australia,January 25, 2014

    Life Time Memory of Trekking in Annapurna Region(Jomsom, Muktinath, Ghorepani)

    Amid November 2013, Nepal Trek Adventures (NTA) aided me to achieve one of the utmost things I ever attained in my lifetime! We reserved a trip at their workplace, which would lead us to 5,416m overhead sea level, an altitude I never supposed I will ever get. Before we began, Binod familiarized us to our guide Rabi, who would aid us to grasp our destination securely. He also alleged if we have no linking with the guide he presented, we should not waver to express with him, and he will treasure an improved one. But, we were pleased with his optimal and so we began the adventure of my life period. Trivial plights at the commencement got easily cracked from our guide and so we really ended it to the topmost and way back to Pokhara. All in All, it was a prodigious journey we had. Rabi safely directed us around the Annapurna area, he delivered us with the greatest accommodations and food residences; we also got to discern about certain " secret spots" Afterward, ascending the pass we had a prodigious evening at a billiard residence in Jomson, where infrequently they also presented beer... :-). Through an excessive and boundless song, we kaput the night-time. I can highly endorse Nepal Trek Adventure and Expedition. The director Binod every period recognized where and how all his customers are and if there are glitches he knows who to request. See you another time and thank you so much.

  • O
    Ollie JohnsonUnited Kingdom,October 07, 2013

    Best Agency For Annapurna Base Camp

    20Great trip! Thanks very much to Suda who made the journey to ABC possible for me, I would not have known the way without him! Had some great views from ABC despite only being clear for 20minutes, it was well worth the hike! Take some warm clothes with you. I was freezing at the base camp! All the best to Binod and Suda thanks again!
